Fastest Time to Solve 75 Mental Arithmetic Multiplication Problems (Two Digit x Single Digit) by an Individual (Minor - Male)
Record Reference Number



Fastest Time to Solve 75 Mental Arithmetic Multiplication Problems (Two Digit x Single Digit) by an Individual (Minor - Male)

Achieved By

Chinmay Shrinivas Deshmukh


Fastest Act

Record Attempt Date


Remarks Of The Achievement

The Fastest Time to Solve 75 Mental Arithmetic Multiplication Problems (Two Digit x Single Digit) by an Individual (Minor - Male) clocked to 3 minutes 52 seconds 11 centiseconds. It was accomplished by Chinmay Shrinivas Deshmukh, Student of Indian Abacus Private Limited, in Nashik District, Maharashtra, India on October 6, 2024.